When Life Gives you Lululemons by Laura Weisberger

Did you love Devil Wears Prada? If so, you’ll love this read which tells Emily Charlton’s story post Runway magazine. Warning: Pairs well with frosé!

Emily Charlton is a celebrity fixer and publicist, living in LA with her gorgeous and successful husband. She is still fashionable, bitchy and oh so skinny. However, Emily has started losing her touch and her clients to younger, social media savvy competitors.

On New Year’s Eve, Emily flies to NYC to help the next Justin Bieber out of a sticky situation. However, after losing another client, Emily somehow lands in Greenwich, where her best friend Miriam recently moved. When Miriam’s A-list model turned senator’s wife friend, Karolina, ends up in a tricky bind, Emily is quick to pounce on the opportunity to become relevant again.

Miriam, Karolina and Emily make a great trio. I found myself wanting to hang out with them. While each is struggling with their own perceived inadequacies, they feel real, and I felt myself wanting to chime in with advice. Through their adventure, they help each other out of their respective funks and once again prove Aristotle right, “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

This novel is fun, witty and sarcastic. It is the perfect spin off for Devil Wears Prada, and I found myself LOL’ing (Miriam, that means “laugh out loud”) and wanting to know what happens next in their adventure. This is the perfect summer read – highly recommend you pick it up soon!

Verdict: Read it! (4/5 stars)
Length: 352 pages
When: You loved Devil Wears Prada and in the mood for a laugh out loud book about suburban life in your 30s.
Quote: “The only reason I’m, not giving you vodka right now is because I saw you munching Xanax like gumballs a couple hours ago. “
Also read: The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory (B2C review here) and The Summer Sail by Wendy Francis (B2C review here).

Buy When Life Gives You Lululemons by Laura Weisberger


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