Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter

Beautiful Ruins by Jess WalterWhat happens when the glitz and glamour of Hollywood collides with a small Italian town? We find out in Beautiful Ruins when a beautiful starlet “accidentally” ends up in Porto Vergogna, Italy (the wannabe “sixth town next of Cinque Terre”). This novel visits the end of the golden age of cinema in the 1960s. While there is young love and drama, ultimately this tale illustrates the damage life on the silver screen can leave in its wake.

The cast of characters is colorful – you have both expected and unexpected players. There is the young Hollywood starlet, her handsome, womanizing Robert Redford-esque love interest, as well as Elizabeth Taylor at the peak of her career. There is the narcissistic producer – who starts out ambitious and willing to do anything to make a name for himself and ends up washed up, trying to hang on to his former success. There is also his assistant – a young woman who has increasing self-doubt of her ability and desire to make it in the business. Finally, there is the poor Italian boy next door, trying to make a success out of his dead Father’s hotel in Porto Vergogna, the “Hotel Adequate View”. The story begins when the Hollywood starlet suddenly shows up at the Hotel Adequate View.

I absolutely loved Beautiful Ruins. I enjoyed that the narrative alternated between “then” and “now”. As the story progressed in the “now”, the reader is given increasing insight into what happened “then”. I was invested in each of the characters – their stories, struggles and interactions. This novel had all aspects of a great, easy read, and I could not put it down.

As someone who adores old Hollywood and historical fiction, this was a no brainer. While less serious than A Gentleman in Moscow or The Ninth Hour, I found this book charming and entertaining. It is a great read and one I highly recommend!

Verdict: Read it! (5/5 stars)
Length: 337 pages
Quote: “The smaller the space between your desire and what is right, the happier you’ll be.”
When: When you’re on a beach (or wishing for one to escape the winter blues).
Also Try: Beneath a Scarlet Sky, for a more serious Historical Fiction novel set in Italy. (See our HIS and HER Review)

Buy Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter HERE



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