Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Ready Player OneImagine being in the center of the most epic video game quest ever created.  Something Mario, Zelda, nor Donkey Kong could ever dream of.  The prize?  Unfathomable wealth and control of the most influential piece of technology ever made: OASIS.

It is 2045, and the world is in the midst of a severe energy crisis where “poverty and unrest began to spread like a virus.”  With human society in shambles, most people spend their time on OASIS: a full immersion virtual reality, with complete visual and physical stimulus.

When the creator passes away, a contest is revealed where participants follow clues and keys to find the grand prize, an egg which grants the victor wealth and control of OASIS.  Egg hunters (“gunters”) not only compete against each other, but more importantly against IOI, a company looking to strip OASIS of its free access and monetize the system for corporate gain.

I really related to the main character, Wade.  For him, the VR world offered a chance to be himself.  For most characters, their avatars represent their true self, rather than a false identity.  OASIS allows players to hit pause on the stress of real life.  We all have our own personal OASIS, whether it is a video game, TV show, exercise class or, my personal favorite, a book.

Through Wade’s lens, I understood how important OASIS was to the downtrodden and forgotten.  Wade grows throughout the novel as he encounters the unforeseen byproducts of his quest: friendship, fame, and even love.

I am not a big sci-fi fan, but that is the beauty of this book. It is for the adventurer, the 80s lover, the video gamer, the insecure, the nostalgic.  There is only one last question: Are you Ready Player One?

Read it before the movie premieres next week!! You still have time!!

Verdict: Read it! (5/5 Stars)
Length: 400 pages
Quote: “The OASIS is the setting of all my happiest childhood memories.”
When: Start it now so you can finish before the movie premiere!!
Also Try: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card (but you can skip the film adaptation…)

Buy Ready Player One HERE



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1 Comment

  1. Chris Kelley March 22, 2018 at 7:13 am

    Imagine if they had a Mario kart version!