The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory

Are you someone who dreams of a very public proposal? Or are you someone who dreads it? I admittedly fall into the latter bucket. I remember warning Pasquale several times I did not want people around if (turned out to be when) he proposed. Therefore, the beginning of Guillory’s novel which includes a very public proposal, unsurprisingly made me cringe!

Nikole, a freelance writer, who has a passion for bourbon, dark bars and sarcasm, finds herself at a Dodgers game with her boyfriend of a few months. Much to her dismay, he proposes – and she says no! Cue the boo-ing fans calling her a heartless b*tch. Carlos Ibarra (who you may remember as Drew’s best friend in The Wedding Date) happens to be at the same game and swoops in to save Nik from the swarming crowds.

I don’t want to say too much for fear of ruining this funny, fun, witty, sarcastic novel! I could not put it down as it definitely checked all the boxes for me. Highly recommend if you are in the mood for a light, cute read! Can’t wait to see what Guillory comes out with next – I am definitely a big fan!

Verdict: Read it! ASAP! (5/5 stars)
Length: 336 pages
When: When you loved The Wedding Date and are in the mood for another Rom Com.
Quote: “She probably could have found a nicer way to respond to the proposal, but she was so stunned she couldn’t think straight. Plus, diplomacy had never been her strong point.”
Also Read: The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory (B2C review) or All We Ever Wanted by Emily Giffin (B2C review)

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