The Dinner List by Rebecca Serle

Queen Elizabeth. Bob Fosse. Coco Chanel. My Grandfather. My Nana B. That is my list of five people, dead or alive, I would invite to dinner. Who is on yours? Imagine that could actually happen for your birthday dinner, sprinkle in Audrey Hepburn (!!) and you have The Dinner List.

Sabrina arrives at her annual birthday dinner and finds not only her best friend (who she was expecting), but also the four other people on her “Dinner List”. Among them are Audrey Hepburn (!!), a beloved professor, her ex-boyfriend and her estranged and deceased father. The five sit down for a magical and mysterious evening, where no one knows the rules or what is supposed to happen next.

I could not put this book down! It was creative, yet real –it left me on the edge of my seat. Sabrina gets the opportunity for closure with those both dead and alive who have impacted her life in one way or another. This novel is funny, witty, charming, sweet and emotional. I would be lying if I said I didn’t cry from both sadness and joy at multiple points throughout the story. There were also a few twists I did not see coming – one crystallizes into the explanation for the unique dinner. If you are looking for a book that gives a refreshingly different perspective, I highly recommend giving this one a try!

Verdict: Read it! (4.5/5 stars)
Length: 288 pages
When: You’re in the mood for Audrey Hepburn
Quote: “That’s the thing about life – these moments that define us emerge out of nothing. A missed call.   Trip down the stairs. A car accident. They happen in a moment, a breath.”
Also read: What We Were Promised by Lucy Tan (B2C Review)

Buy The Dinner List by Rebecca Serle


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