Hits & Misses by Simon Rich

When you read a collection of short stories named Hits & Misses, you expect there to be, well… some misses. Simon Rich puts together a hilarious yet thought-provoking batch of tales that contains far more hits than misses.

This is definitely a read for the snarky and sarcastic. Simply put, I loved the prose and writing style. The stories were light and sometimes silly, yet each was incredibly smart and planned out. A seemingly Kindergarten-level joke was transformed in the context of the narrative, which made me feel less guilty for laughing at some of the most juvenile of puns.

Rich tackles a wide array of topics from religion and death to family and childhood. My favorite was “The Foosball Championship of the Whole Entire Universe” which anyone with a competitive older (or younger) sibling will find completely relatable.

Definitely pick up this one for your next light, yet thoughtful read. Does anyone have other humorous short story suggestions? I am hooked!

PS – Do not read in bed while your significant other is trying to sleep. Your involuntary laughter will keep them up, and you may catch a pillow to the face…(not saying it happened, but not saying it didn’t either.)

Verdict: Read it (4.5/5 stars)
Length: 240 pages
When: When you need a good laugh
Quote: “‘It was crazy,’ recalled Blue Team forward Arnold Munder.  ‘He just shoved it in his mouth and swallowed it.’  It is unclear what type of ball will be used for today’s game, with both marbles and grapes being discussed as possibilities.” -The Foosball Championship of the Whole Entire Universe
Also Read: I don’t know! Please leave us suggestions!

Buy Hits & Misses by Simon Rich


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