I am a huge fan of the All Souls Trilogy, so I was surprised and excited for a fourth installment. As someone who loves historical fiction, as well as books like Twilight, The Hunger Games and the Harry Potter series, this mix of genres had my name written all over it.
What I absolutely love about this series is the historical aspect – the characters often time travel or reminisce about periods long past (something you can only do when your characters are immortal vampires)!! This book delved into both the American and French Revolutions. In my opinion, Harkness’ true talent is her ability to intertwine the characters into real, factual history.
I don’t want to say too much here aside from the fact I loved this book, as well as the first three! For any history buff, this is a must try! The characters are also extremely loveable, which is always a bonus!
Verdict: Read it! (4/5 stars)
Length: 436 pages
When: You love historical fantasy – make sure to start with the first book in the series!
Quote: “We are, all of us, asked to grow up too quickly. It is the way the gods remind us that life, no matter how long, is still but a breath.”
Also read: A Discovery of Witches, Shadow of Night and The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness (first three books in the series) and The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi (B2C review)
Buy Time’s Convert by Deborah Harkness