Survivor by Chuck Palahnuik

Testing one, two, three. An airplane containing a lone, unhinged passenger is beginning its final, fatal descent, and he  is recounting a wild life for those who discover the plane’s black box.

Our manic pilot, Tender Branson, grew up in an infamous religious cult known for strict views on sex, selling teens off for a lifetime of indentured servitude, oh, and the largest mass suicide in history.

All his life, Branson was a nobody – no friends, no goals, no future – until he becomes the only surviving member of the Creedish cult after the resumption of widespread suicides.

Branson’s truly deranged hobbies bring him in contact with a mysterious woman. He utilizes her skills to skyrocket to fame and form his own religious empire using lies, fear and marketing tricks.

Survivor is a dark, sinister and comedic critique of the world. Chuck Palahnuik captivated me from the first pages with flawless, engaging and deeply disturbing writing. This novel is from 1999 and attacks the dishonest and greedy motives of those in the public eye. Its message surely stands the test of time. I would love to hear Palahnuik views on culture today – one so fixated on appearances through social media.

I have wanted to read more of Palahnuik’s novels after loving Fight Club (both book and movie) and am glad I finally dove in.

This book is not for the faint of heart and comes with a PG-13 label, but I thoroughly enjoyed the action and it’s message.

Read Survivor by Chuck Palahnuik

Verdict: Read it. (4/5 Stars)
Length: 338 pages
When: You want a crazy story with an applicable message to today’s image obsessed culture
Quote: Kill myself? Thanks, I say. No, thanks. Let’s not rush anything here.
Also Read: American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis

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