Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes

They say misery loves company. Evvie and Dean are two individuals searching for answers and trying to make peace with loss. They are also both attempting to avoid the scrutiny of their family, friends, and even the public eye.

After Evvie tragically loses her husband in a car crash, everyone worries that she is bottling up her feelings – her friends and family worry it may lead to an emotional explosion. However, they mistake grief for guilt In fact, Evvie isn’t grieving at all, which is the problem. On the night of her husband’s death, Evvie’s bags were packed, and she was running away.

Dean Tenny’s issues are slightly more visible. The World Series Champion is forced into early retirement unable to dispel a case of the “yips” – the once dominant Yankee playboy cannot longer throw a strike.

Dean flees the city for the sleepy Maine town and becomes Evvie’s new tenant. The terms of the lease? No talking about Evvie’s husband or Dean’s baseball career. Of course, these rules are broken in heartfelt and hilarious ways as the two develop a beautiful bond.

This was very relatable narrative, and I really enjoyed the journey towards acceptance. The novel is short on plot, but Holmes reveals deep and interesting characters through the evolution of their relationships. It’s the perfect read for anyone in a rut looking for some hopeful commiseration.

Evvie Drake Starts Over is Jonathan Franzen meets The Art of Fielding, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Verdict: Read it! (4/5 stars)
Length: 287 pages
When: You need to commiserate.
Also Try: Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach

Buy Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes

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