A classic whodunit story set in a quaint Japanese town. After Keiko Ishida is brutally murdered, her brother Ren Ishida travels to a small town to collect her belongings and look further into the mysterious…
Browsing Category Fiction
Lawn Boy by Jonathan Evison
Mike Munoz is a 23 year old poor Mexican man. However, his journey, problems and emotions hold no prejudice. Lawn Boy is not a sensational coming of age novel where Mike triumphs over an insurmountable…
Still Me by Jojo Moyes
Louisa Clark is back and takes on New York City in the third novel of the Me Before You series. While at first I was concerned this book would not live up to the previous…
Grist Mill Road by Christopher J. Yates
Why? The one-word question everyone has after a heinous event. In Grist Mill Road, a thirteen year old, Matthew, ties a fellow teenager, Hannah, to a tree and proceeds to shoot her repetitively (49 times)…
The Fighter by Michael Farris Smith
About 30 pages into The Fighter, we know how it is going to end. Our main character, Jack, knows how it is going to end. Years of bare-knuckle brawling, gambling and pain meds are catching…
Mrs. by Caitlin Macy
Were you a fan of Gossip Girl? Sub in young, Upper East Side pre-school moms and their wealthy husbands in finance and you have Mrs. This novel is told from the perspective of various pre-school parents….
Only Killers and Thieves by Paul Howarth
Two brothers, thick as thieves, are shaken to the core after a gruesome event turns their world upside down. They must not only survive the brutal conditions of the Australian Outback during a devastating drought,…